If you’re not where you want to be financially or if you’re feeling frustrated, overwhelmed, or confused about how to manage your money, there is likely one thing holding you back: organization. Organizing your financial impact can have a huge impact on everything your money touches. It will save you time, frustration and money! In this post I’m going to organize your finances.
Organization is vital to your financial success. It’s actually the one thing that will have the biggest impact on correcting your financial mistakes and setting yourself up for a successful future.
If your finances are kind of messy right now, cleaning them up can sound like a really hard, scary thing.
I used to be a complete financial mess.
Actually, mess is probably too gentle a word. Disaster is more like it.
I was spending way more money than I made, mostly on stuff I didn’t know that I didn’t need. I was completely irresponsible when it came to things that weren’t fun, like paying my bills on time. And I was too terrified of my debt to even think about it.
I thought my problem was that I didn’t make enough money.
I was wrong.
My real problem was that I wasn’t looking at the big picture. In fact, looking at the big picture wasn’t even an option because my finances were so unorganized I didn’t have a big picture to look at.
It was when I finally got myself organized that everything changed for me.
And you know what? A few years later, I’m pretty darn good with my money. I have things like a savings account, a retirement plan, and I have destroyed $80,000 worth of debt.
You know what else? It wasn’t painful. In fact, once I adjusted to a different way of doing things, I kind of liked it.
So, if looking at those numbers and getting your finances organized is something that scares your pants off, I totally get it.
But truthfully, it’s not as hard as you think it will be. And the benefits are totally worth it!
Enough about me… Here is how organizing your finances can help YOU
Organizing your finances will allow you to reach your full potential. And on the flip side, being unorganized will block you from having all the information so you won’t even be able to know what your full potential is!
Organization will help you reach your financial goals
It will be harder to set goals and when you do they’ll be more like vague things you want in the future instead of clear, pinpointed goals based on actual information.
Knowing exactly where you stand financially and exactly where you’re headed will make it easy to set goals in stages that lead you to reaching your big goals over time.
Here’s the thing…
When your finances are unorganized, you might not even know that your missing out on ways that could be doing better. You might think you’re doing just fine.
But organizing your finances will show you your weak spots and where you need to focus.
In taking the time to get organized, you will probably find that with a few tweaks you could be doing WAY better at managing your money.
It is so much simpler than it sounds!
There are 3 simple steps that will lead your toward organized finances.
First, you need to take a step back from the day-to-day and look at the big picture of your finances. How much money do you have? How much do you owe? What is your net worth?
If you’re afraid to crunch these numbers because you don’t want to see the big picture of the financial mess you made, I get it.
I felt the exact same way.
But you’ve got to do this step if you ever want to fix it. And you’ll probably be surprised to find out that it’s not actually as bad as you think.
This is so important. You cannot just make one budget and use it again month after month. Income fluctuates. Expenses fluctuate.
A budget that is specific to the month ahead is essential.
Determine how much money is going to come in that month.
Then allocate each of those dollars to a certain purpose. Pay your essential bills and then filter the rest toward debt or some form of savings.
Now it’s time to make some important decisions:
How are you going to save?
How are you going to cut back?
Where do you want to be this time next year?
What about in 5 years?
Ask yourself the hard questions. It will be worth it in the long run.
And unfortunately, it’s not a one time thing. Instead, it’s something that you have to work on continually.
I can tell you though that this process is hardest in the beginning and it gets much easier with time.
If you’re feeling overwhelmed at the prospect of organizing your finances, or even if you just want a little help along the way, I strongly encourage you to take advantage of my FREE Fix Your Finances Mini Course.
This 5-Day Mini Course is a game changer and will walk you through:
- Setting strong financial goals that you can actually reach
- Building your monthly budget and making it a habit
- Lowering your everyday costs
- Paying off debt quickly and strategically
- Making lasting financial change
I broke each element down into very bite sized pieces for you in hopes that it will make it so much easier for you to tackle.
You can do this, friend!
It’s time to improve your financial life and organize your finances. You can do this! Start by looking at the big picture, craft a monthly budget, and make a financial improvement plan. Then, take advantage of my free mini course to help you make this journey easier.
Psst… Want to save even more? Hop on my email list here. It’s my favorite place to give you money saving tips and insights that I just don’t share anywhere else. Plus you’ll get lots of free financial tools just for signing up.
Don’t click away so soon! Keep reading and stay awhile! Here are some of my best posts:
7 Frugal Habits that will Save you Thousands
3 Tips to cut your Electric Bill in Half
The Beginner’s Guide to being Frugal
39 Surefire Strategies to cut your Expenses Fast
Being organized financially is key to making progress. I like using software to track my expenses, budget, accounts, and net worth, but there are lots of different ways to do it. The important part is to face your situation and commit to improvement.