Hi there, I’m Heather! I’m so glad you stopped by!
I’m here to help you take one small step at a time towards saving more money. I’ll show you how to do with without suffering or depriving yourself along the way.
Let’s get to know each other.
Here are some things about me:
I am a wife, new mama, a homeowner and a former teacher. I love reading blogs and I’ve been inspired to start my own blog-adventure! I’m beyond excited to share all of my ideas with you!
And I love saving money!
I am not, by any means, a financial planner.
I just know what it’s like to be money-challenged and to overcome the struggles that come with overspending.
You see, I used to be absolutely terrible with money.
Five years ago, I was spending all of my money as fast as I could and then wondering where it had gone. I was in debt. I was making really poor choices with my money. I couldn’t go on like that forever. I finally realized that something would have to change.
I started learning how to make better choices with my money. I changed my mindset to focus on my future instead of striving for instant gratification. I learned how to prioritize. I took control.
I changed my life.
I quit my overspending ways.
And I’ve paid off over $90,000 in debt.
Now, I am living happily without being bogged down by money troubles. I still have some student loan debt, but my husband and I are attacking it with a vengeance. It feels so good to watch my total balance drop lower and lower each month.
I am happy. I have built a happy life and I am able to enjoy it without worrying about the financial part, because I have that under control now.
I learned that frugal feels good.
You can change your financial life, too!
You can stop struggling to get to your next paycheck.
You can do the things you love without worrying about how you’ll be able to pay for them.
You can grow your bank account, pay off your debt, and make better choices about where your money goes.
You can lead a less stressful life.
I’m going to show you how.
Come on in and stay awhile!
Click here to hop on my email list and you’ll get my best money saving tips and insights that I just don’t share anywhere else!
I’m excited to try some of your money saving idea’s right away. There are unplug and only spent what we need for a month.
I’m looking forward to reading more of your idea’s.
Thanks awesome, Ann!