Do you have a problem? Do you go to Starbucks for a $5 drink every day? Does it seem impossible to stop? I know that it’s delicious, but the problem with all those morning Starbucks visits is that they really add up. This little habit can really cost you big in the long run. But don’t worry. I’m here to help. In this post I’m going to give you 5 steps to break your Starbucks addition.
It seems like there’s a Starbucks everywhere. There are 3 in my neighborhood, and 2 more if you count the ones in Target.
It’s hard to drive by and not be tempted to stop.
After all, it’s delicious. And who doesn’t need a little pick me up?
But the problem with Starbucks is that it’s so darn expensive.
And $5 drink after $5 drink really adds up.
If you go everyday, that’s $150 a month and $1825 a year.
Are you spending almost $2000 a year on Starbucks?!
What could you do with an extra $2000 this year?
By the way, if you are spending that much on your morning coffee, you’re not alone!
I am a recovered Starbucks addict myself.
In this post I’m going to give you 5 steps to break your Starbucks addiction and take your money back.
These steps worked for me and I’m sure they can work for you too.
Please know that it doesn’t mean you’ll never be able to go get a delicious cup of Starbucks again. I still get it occasionally. But you’ll be in control of how often and how much you spend.
Here are the 5 steps:
I know it’s hard.
You worked hard to reach gold.
It was hard for me too. I remember being so excited to get my gold card in the mail.
I know you’re probably paying with an app on your phone and not your actual gold card. But it feels cool to have it, doesn’t it?
You probably feel like your gold card status is saving you money because of the rewards and the free drink on your birthday.
But here’s the thing. Loading money onto your card ahead of time makes you feel like you’ve already paid for it.
Then when you’re tempted you don’t resist. Because you’ve already paid for it, right? So you might as well go.
The whole card loading process makes going to Starbucks more like paying a bill than buying a treat.
You end up spending more with the card than with cash so you’re not saving money by using it.
So, give it up!
Take the card out of your wallet.
Delete the app.
And commit to stop reloading it.
This is a powerful first step in breaking your Starbucks addiction.
Do you know you can make those same delicious drinks at home?
You don’t need to hire a barista or buy the fancy equipment.
There are copycat recipes for most of the Starbucks favorites on Pinterest.
There’s a wide range in degrees of difficulty. But I’m sure you could make some yourself.
Here are some recipes to get you started:
Try some out.
Being able to have a DIY version of your favorite Starbucks drink at home will go a long way to curb your addiction.
Tell your friends what you’re up to and gather some moral support for your Starbucks break up.
Chances are you have a friend or two that will want to join you with this.
Especially after you tell them they can save $500 a year!
Having someone in your corner will help you stay on track when you feel tempted.
They can remind you of all the money you’re saving when you pass a Starbucks and keep on driving.
And you can do the same for them.
Make sure you’re honest with this friend if you do struggle or slip.
This gives you accountability and more motivation to stay on track.
So, find a friend and break your Starbucks addiction together.
Right now, you probably have a routine for when you go to Starbucks.
It’s every morning on your way to work. Or right after you drop the kids off at school. Or as you’re driving by each afternoon and you need a pick me up.
Changing up your routine will take you off autopilot and make it easier to quit your coffee stop.
Think about the times of day that you feel most tempted.
How can you change what you do at those times to get your mind off Starbucks?
This might mean driving a different route to work.
Maybe you just need to bring your own coffee with you in the morning. Because if your cup holder is full, Starbucks isn’t really an option.
Whatever this means for you, the point is to disrupt your routine enough so that the Starbucks stop isn’t automatic anymore.
It’s essential that you measure your success.
Every time you fight off temptation and skip your regular Starbucks stop, make sure you record how much you saved!
You can simply write it down, keep it in a note on your phone, or you can use this free printable tracker that I created for you.
Just estimate how much you’re saving by not stopping by thinking about what you would have spent on your regular Starbucks purchase.
Knowing how much you’re saving will make it exciting.
And seeing how much you’re actually saving over time will help you stick with it.
So, be sure to track your savings every time you skip your Starbucks stop.
Now you armed with these 5 steps for breaking your Starbucks addiction. You know that you can save some serious money by giving up your daily Starbucks stop. So now is the time to take action.
Give up your gold card, and delete the Starbucks app from your phone. Learn how to DIY your favorite Starbucks drinks. Gain moral support and accountability from a friend who wants to save money alongside you. Change your routine to take your regular stop off autopilot. And track your savings to get excited about your momentum.
You can absolutely break this money sucking habit! If I can do it, I know you can too!
Psst… Want to save even more? Hop on my email list here. It’s my favorite place to give you money saving tips andinsights that I just don’t share anywhere else. Plus you’ll get lots of free financial tools just for signing up.
Don’t click away so soon. Keep reading about more ways to save:
This one simple change can save you $100 or more every month
A great way to help motivate you to change the habit is to find a savings goal for some of the money you will save. Write it down and track your progress to your goal! It might be a meal out, a new dress or a day out with the family. Reward yourself for making the change.